August 9, 2017


Rev. Christopher offers a variety of blessings: Healing blessings for the emotionally hurt, those experiencing illness, injury or recovering from medical procedures. Blessings of release for those transitioning from this mortal coil. Home or office blessings to clear the space and set a positive intention for its future use.

Baby / Child

Throughout the ages every culture, tribe, community and family has celebrated the birth of a baby through a ritual welcoming. Many baby blessing ceremonies are religious in nature though non-religious ceremonies can easily accommodate those of differing faiths or who simply wish to have a more secular or universal approach.


Child dedications are similar in nature to a baby blessing though are usually for children one year of age or older. This is a beautiful ceremony to welcome adopted children, new children to the family (such as blended families by way of recent marriage), or a child that did not receive a blessing while still in infancy.

Rev. Christopher includes “Naming Ceremonies” in either the Baby Blessing or Child Dedication ceremony; it is a way of formally acknowledging the name chosen by the parents for their child. Through the Naming Ceremony portion of the blessing or dedication other family members or friends may be designated as adult mentors/Godparents or guide parents for the child and who would be of support in the growth and happiness of the child.

During the blessing or dedication portion of the ceremony, Rev. Christopher uses drops of specially prepared and blessed holy water for divinely inspired connection linking heart, mind and soul.

Utilizing a questionnaire he has devised to determine the key elements for your child’s ceremony, Rev. Christopher will be able to decipher the scope and vision that will honor your faith or family tradition.

You will be provided with a beautiful “Certificate of Blessing” or “Certificate of Dedication” with your child’s name and date of ceremony as a cherished keepsake suitable for framing, or to be placed in their baby book or family album.

The ceremony fee for either a baby blessing or child dedication is $50.00 for any location within Salt Lake county; if outside of Salt Lake county there is an additional fee of $25.00 per hour of round trip travel for the minister.

Blessings of Release

Rev. Christopher performs blessings of release for those transitioning from this mortal coil. When it has been determined that a loved one will soon be passing, Rev. Christopher is available to be at their bedside (home,hospital or care facility) to perform a blessing invoking a release met with ease and comfort and often times providing the individual and their families with a sense of peace.

There is no charge for this service; though if travel outside of Salt Lake County is required, there is a suggested contribution of $25.00 for the minister’s time and travel expense.


Rev. Christopher provides healing blessings for individuals who have been injured, are ill or are recovering from medical procedures or may be experiencing emotional and/or spiritual challenges.

There is no charge for this service; though if travel outside of Salt Lake County is required, there is a suggested contribution of $25.00 for the minister’s time and travel expense.

Home / Office

Rev. Christopher provides home or office blessings to clear the space and set positive intention for its future use. He may smudge the space with sage (for those allergic to sage he will utilize sweet grass), seal doors and windows with blessed water and cite blessings throughout.

The fee for either a home or office blessing is $50.00 for any location within Salt Lake county; if outside of Salt Lake county there is an additional fee of $25.00 per hour of round trip travel for the minister.

Schedule Your Blessing Ceremony Today!